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The Raw Feeding Revolution Guide

Hello and welcome to Benyfit’s Good Doggy Blog where today I will be talking about a Raw Feeding Revolution!  In case we haven’t met before, let me introduce myself.

I am Woody, the resident office newshound and general dogsbody at Benyfit Natural, the premium raw dog food people. I am also the self-appointed raw dog food chief taster.

All my doggy friends think my job sounds like a dream come true - spending every day within a tongue’s reach of non-stop supplies of fabulous freshly made nutritional raw dog food and tasty treats. They’re right, I love it here! If you are already a fully signed up member of the raw food brigade, you’ll know exactly what I mean.

But if you are yet to transform your owners into raw feeding aficionados, I’ve thought of some handy tips to help get them started. I’ll hand over to my human colleagues to explain…

Make the Switch to the Raw Feeding Revolution

If you are reading this, chances are you are either considering or about to make the transition from commercial tinned or dried dog food to raw feeding. Congratulations and welcome to the raw dog food revolution! We know that neither you nor your doggy friend will regret it. Woody has asked us to share the most impawtant things you need to know…

  • As with all changes to diet, don’t stop one and start the next overnight. Your dog’s system might not cope with such a rapid change and there could be some unsavoury side effects to raw feeding. Tummies need time to adjust to new raw meat food diet, but after a few days you can wave goodbye to the old food.
  • Try starting off for the first three days with 30% new raw food diet. Then progress to 50%, then 70% raw until, in about 10 days, you are feeding your dog a 100% raw meat diet. Keep a close eye on your dog’s stools and slow down the transition if you need to. It takes the stomach and digestive enzymes time to adjust to a high protein raw diet.
  • Puppies: change slowly to Benyfit Natural Perfect Puppy meals over a few days. Keep a close eye for any changes in stools (easy if you’re still house training!) or appetite.
  • You can introduce any puppy up to the age of 12 months to Benyfit Natural puppy food and then easily move to our grown-up dog range. As with all puppies, spread feeding time over 3-4 meals until they get a bit older.

After a very short while of raw feeding, your dog will be enjoying the health and wellness benefits of a top quality and wholesome, balanced nutritional raw dog food diet. Your puppy will get all the nutrients needed to grow and develop as well as an extra boost to look after digestive health and welfare, thanks to the added Verm-X. And you should start to see skin or digestive complaints start to clear up too.

Back to you, Woody.

And Finally … Get Tongues Wagging

Mochi a St Bernard from South Dakota (Mochi the St Bernard / image source -

If talking about raw dog food isn’t enough, how’s this for a tongue-tastic topic? Mochi, a St Bernard from South Dakota, USA, boasts a tongue 18.5 cm long – that’s about the same size as a tub of Benyfit Natural food. The perfect-sized tongue in my book!

If you need any help or advice on raw feeding, or making the transition to raw feeding, please contact the Benyfit Natural team on 01892 770188. You never know, it might be my turn to answer the phone that day!

Until next time on the Good Doggy Blog, woofs and kisses from Woody x


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